Zoe Sick Again
Zoe has another cold. Like aways, it seems to take her weeks to get over it. We were very lucky that her MRI happened when she was actually well. We were at the doctor's yesterday and the good news is that her lungs sound good. So hopefully she will fight this one off without too much medical intervention. The high fevers (spiking over 39 C/ 102.2 F) makes me a little nervous since that is with Motrin and Tylenol around the clock. We were told to return Friday morning if the fevers did not go away. Since they are getting worse (she was just 39.6 C/ 103.3 F with Motrin on board), we will be heading back to the doctor's in the morning.
Not Blogging Much
We haven't blogged much lately since we have been having a rough winter. Although this winter does seem a little better than last (knock on wood!). Zoe has been making some amazing communication/cognitive gains- she knows some of her colours, is making choices, understands consequences, is following two step commands, etc. At the same time, Zoe's physical development is progressing very very very slowly. She is still not able to sit on her own and can not scoot or crawl at all. She does amazing in the walker and we try to have her in it as much as possible. It is like she is a different child- she strides around the house in complete control and in charge of where she wants to go. She does get frustrated that the toy she worked so hard to get to falls on the ground and she is not able to pick it up.
Conference Plans for Salt Lake City
The conference will be held in late July in Salt Lake City this year. Plans are under way and we are looking into costs. We really want to go again this year. We get so much out of being around other 1p36 parents. It's hard to think ahead right now since we are struggling to get through the day. But it does give us something positive to look forward to.
There are lots of positive things to focus on.
Lots of negative things too.
Which I guess is why I haven't posted much lately. It is too easy to focus on Zoe being sick all the time right now. Or to ignore that and focus on the more positive gains she is making. I feel like it does not really give a picture of what life is like right now. But I guess that is how it is for everyone.
And so I post to keep people up to date.
Happy Mother’s Day
6 years ago