Three days before his birthday, Gavin was admitted for unplanned surgery to remove a tumor from his spinal cord. The girls and I baked daddy a cake and went in on his birthday (the day before his surgery) to celebrate. Hmmm, first Zoe's birthday spent in hospital in February, now Gavin in March. I really hope Ailsa doesn't feel left out and have something planned for her birthday in May! Ailsa is showing off her signing skills by signing "daddy."

Zoe enjoyed spending time with daddy while eating a nutritious snack before dinner. Gavin's hospitalization was really hard on Zoe. She missed him and worried about him. She frequently woke in the night crying and signing "daddy." I was able to bring her in to visit Gavin a few times and I think that helped her to see that he was ok.

While Gavin was in the hospital, Uncle Andy was in town for one day on a business trip. Zoe really loves her uncle Andy. After his visit last year and this year, Zoe continued to sign "A N" asking about Andy. We saw a doctor last week who looked a little like Uncle Andy and Zoe got excited and kept signing "A N" over and over. Having Andy visit was a good distraction for Zoe. And Andy (being my big brother) was a good distraction for me- he made sure I had three meals that day!

Zoe has always been a daddy's girl, even as a baby. She is getting lots of snuggle time with daddy right now. Some of the time, the snuggles end up with both of them asleep!

Enjoying a beautiful day on the back deck. The weather has been beautiful here and we are taking advantage of it. Yes, that is a feeding tube in Zoe's nose. As if we didn't have enough going on, Zoe was sick all of last week. But she is doing much better this week and got to go to school every day.
Here's to sunny days and speedy recoveries!