Zoe signing "more"Zoe is signing her fourth sign!!!! Zoe has used the sign "more" a few times now. Like her other signs, it is subtle so we have to watch closely.
Speech Therapy updateI had posted previously that speech services were pending. Zoe has now started services. Zoe was evaluated a month or so ago and we were told things that were no surprise- Zoe is not showing preverbal skills. They were very positive and had a nice manner with Zoe. They praised Gavin and I for all of the things we are already doing with her (reading her books, using one word to describe things, encouraging eye contact, etc).
We saw the speech therapist again yesterday and she was surprised at how much Zoe's eye contact has changed in just the past month. Also, she was happy to hear about Zoe using signs. She gave us some recommendations (most of the things we are already doing). Two new things we are going to try with Zoe is making her request help. We have been working on this for some time with Zoe, but in a differnt way. If Zoe is reaching for a toy and starting to get frustrated, I will say to Zoe, "Zoe, look at mommy and tell her what you need." Now, Zoe will look at me which I take to me "Help me!" Also, we will give Zoe a choice between two toys and we make Zoe make eye contact with us instead of just reaching for the toy she wants.
One thing the speech therapist pointed out that I had not noticed is that Zoe does not ask for help without us prompting her. It is good that she is asking for food and milk now, but she never reaches up to indicate that she wants to be picked up and she does not ask for help. So, we are going to work on requesting with songs first and then move to toys. So far, Zoe is doing pretty well. We had already worked on her requesting the next song by making eye contact. Now, we want her to make eye contact and sign "more." It is a bonus if she is actually vocalizing too.
The other thing we will work on is using a push button that can be programed with one phrase or word at a time. For now, we will stick with the help theme and teach Zoe to use it when she needs help with a toy. We are using her chair seat for now because that is the only time she will have enough coordination to use the button properly. The therapist said it will take a very long time to train Zoe to use the button and not to get discouraged. The point of using the button is to teach Zoe to request help and also later we can add more buttons or move on to picture boards. Augmentative communication tools here we come!