Thursday, March 19, 2009

I would Pay a lot of Money for Sleep!

There are so many things that I want to post. So many cute videos and photographs. However, we have not had much time for posting. Zoe is having a very tough winter. There has only been a few weeks that she has not been ill.

I don't have the time or energy to write all the details but to sum it up, Zoe has a gastro infection again and we had to go to the Emergency room on Wednesday to have her levels checked. Most of her levels were fine. Some were a little funky but could be due to the fact that she has been puking and having diarrhea for six days. They attempted but could not get IV access to give her fluids so instead we went home. At that point she was drinking well.

Yesterday we felt that Zoe was getting worse and she was refusing to drink much at all. Her skin tone went from dusky to outright purple and her extremities were very cold. So we called her pediatrician who said we should return to the emergency room to get her re hydrated. Knowing that she is a hard stick, they would most likely insert an NG tube. Since we are comfortable inserting the NG and maintaining her at home we opted to stay home instead.

Last night we inserted the NG. Today we went to see the doctor. The great news is that Zoe has really perked up today. It is tough to gage how sick Zoe is since she is so easy going. After she got 12 hours of fluids into her I started to realize how dehydrated she had been. Now she is running around the house in her walker and just as happy as can be. Although she is pissed about the tube being there and keeps trying to yank it out.

I attempted to nap while she was napping but she woke up after 18 minutes. I offered her a million dollars if she would sleep some more but she was merciless and demanded that I get up to entertain her. I am so happy to see her perky again but I would pay someone some serious money if they would come over and let me have a nap! It is times like this that I wish our families weren't so far away and we could rely on them for some help.

I better go- bossy pants is telling me she is stuck in the corner and can't figure out how to back up. It is really great to see her feel better so quickly. We hope that by Sunday we will be able to pull the NG tube. Hopefully all goes well until then.


Karen said...

Oh..I am so sorry to hear Zoe has had a rough winter. We are right there with you. Kylee had seizures issues, heart issues and c-diff in which we had stuff coming out each end and she became dehydrated and had blue/purple hands and feet and they were so cold. We have been in and out of the hospital all year. It just shows what tough girls they are. Hang in there. Hopefully you can get some sleep and back on track.
She looks great in her stander. I remember seeing those flowers in one of your other post. I want to get one for Kylee. I think she would like it.
Karen (Kylee's Mom)

Genevieve Ross said...

That makes me feel better that Kylee has purple hands and feet too. Hopefully it is not Zoe's heart that is the issue but just something our kids do when they are sick.

Karen said...

They feel that Kylee's hands and feet were turning purple from being dehyrdrated not her heart however I was worried it was her heart.
Please feel free to e-mail directly any time if you need to talk. Our little girls are about the same age and have very similar "issues" and you and I have those soft spots for girls in glasses. It is hard. That e-mail you sent to the group is me over and over again. I personally are going thru many of the same things you are.I forget to take cae of the care taker.a My e-mail is