Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Zoe Gives Ailsa a pumpkin de-gooping lesson:

Zoe: Step one- get a feel for your pumpkin.

Ailsa: Yep, I see what you mean, sister.

Zoe: Step two- think about how you want to go about this process while giving mom a stink eye for taking so many pictures....Hmm, Ailsa I think that is more of a sticking out your tongue look rather than a stink eye, but I think mom gets the point.

Zoe: Step three- dig right in there and get out all the goop and seeds.

Ailsa: Stick my arm in where??!?!

Zoe: Here, sister, take a break and have a snack while I do the work.

Ailsa: Yum! I just started eating solids this week!

Zoe: The most important step is to have fun!


Miriam and Michael said...

What a fab picture story. They are too cute for words!

Heather Thorup said...

What cute kids you have! Zoe looks like such a sweetheart.

Nate said...

Awesome! What a laugh-out-loud good time.