Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Zoe's new ride- our van fundraiser

We have finally finished all the paperwork to get funding for an accessible van.  These vans are not cheap!  We have been approved to cover over half the cost but that leaves $27,300 uncovered.  We started an online fundraiser...these things are kind of weird...writing old friends and saying, "hey, can you give us money?"  But given all that has happened in our family the past few years, we can not afford to take out a car loan.  So we have entered the world of virtual fundraising.  We also plan to host a thank you party here in Toronto for anyone who donates $40 or more.

Check out our gofundme site: .

Thanks for looking, spreading the word and maybe even donating.  If you aren't able to donate or just don't want to that is fine, we totally understand.  Really, we do.  But if you could spread the word that would be awesome too.  Love you all!  Now, an announcement on our brand new no gofundme approved funding level!  Drum roll please!

New gofundme reward level/car for sale 

One thing we can not mention on the gofundme site is that we want to sell our current car to cover some of that $27,300.  We can not afford the insurance to own two cars and given that Zoe's new wheelchair will not fold, she could never ride in the old car so why keep it?  Our car is a 2005 Toyota Prius.  It has about 123,000 km on it.  It has never been in an accident and we recently replaced the tires, car battery, break pads and windshield wipers.  We always get it serviced at Toyota since it is a hybrid car. It is extremely well cared for mechanically, with a few scratches and nicks and dints from being well loved and well used.  We will miss her.

So, should you or anyone you know be looking for a great car, here is an offer for you.  For anyone donating $10 000 (and in the Greater Toronto area) we will give you our car.  Just like that.  It's yours.  We are calling this funding level the "Big Fat Bag of Awesome" level.  This level is only available to one person, of course.  If we get two funders of this level it would be amazing- but we'd have to think up something else to reward the second person (hmm, that's tough.  Maybe squatters rights in our backyard shed that was damaged in the ice storm last winter and now leaks?  Maybe free compost from our compost bin for a year?  Maybe our third born child, if we ever have one?  We'll figure that out later, if it comes to pass : )

Of course, if anyone wants to just buy it outright we hope to get around $9500 for it on the open market (or best offer).  If you want more information, let us know by e-mailing or leaving a comment on this blog post.  You can check out for details of the 2005 Prius, reviews, etc.  All from awhile back, but gives you some info on the car.  Please spread the word if you know anyone who is looking.  Thanks- you are all a big fat bag of awesome.  As Ailsa would say "true story".  She is so funny!  

The car is blue, by the way.  We named her Petry, after the crazy sales guy who was stalking us after we bought it.  We'll tell you that story another time ; )

*thanks to my friends Ryan and Joel from the band McKenna for the quote from their song "You're a big fat bag of awesome".  

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