Monday, June 3, 2019

Where Have I Been?

There have been some really heavy things happening in our life and some really great things too.  It's difficult to sit down and write what is on my mind.  I don't want to make my posts too heavy, but I also don't want to pretend all is well.  I have heard from many parents that they appreciate my honesty.  My struggles have brought them hope because they see the struggle and then they see the joy that is still possible.

Ailsa, Ailsa, Ailsa

Ailsa is starting on a cholesterol 8 years old.  We knew this was coming, we have seen her numbers go up, up, up.  We knew this day would be here.

And still...

Still...spending 8 hours at the hospital today to confirm that she needs to start this medication now, right now, today has broken my heart.

Again and again my heart has been broken and I take it in stride, I really do try to.  But some blows really hurt and I just feel so helpless.

Ailsa has asked that I not share a lot about her health issues on Zoe's blog and so I have not.  I respect her privacy.  But it does tie my hands when I have so much I want to express.  And so, in deference to Ailsa I will keep it short and simple:

Ailsa's kidney disease is progressive.
She is doing way better then they thought she would.
She is doing way better then other children with her syndrome.
And still.
Still- her kidneys are failing slowly and eventually she will need a transplant.
As her kidneys fail slowly, they are not able to filter out certain things so it causes all sorts of other problems.
We knew this was going to happen when she was diagnosed but still... really fucking sucks and there is nothing I can do about it.

Ailsa does everything right- she eats well, she takes all her medications, she avoids the foods she is supposed to and still...

Still her cholesterol is twice that of a 400 pound person who smokes and drinks all the time.

And still her kidneys slowly fail.

Every appointment shows her numbers getting worse and more medication is added and Ailsa cries at the unfairness of it all.

And so today, my heart is broken but I decided to start blogging again.

We went on an amazing trip as a family recently and I want to post all about that, but first I had to get this off my chest.

Zoe is also struggling and will have a major surgery on July 15th but perhaps more on that another day.  For now, I needed to just start sharing again.

Zoe was upset last night because Ailsa had her appointment today.  She said she wanted to go with Ailsa, we explained why this could not happen.  So Zoe asked that we bring her special turtle (the one she bought with her own money during our amazing holiday last month) to the hospital today for Ailsa to hold on to.  She also reminded me to bring books and toys for Ailsa and to give her a hug (like I would forget!). Zoe is always looking out for her little sister, just like big sisters should.

And still...
Zoe is a 12 year old and reminded Ailsa that the turtle was not hers to keep- she has to give it back at the end of the day- that just made me laugh and laugh.

I love those girls.

With all my broken heart.

1 comment:

KM said...

You are brave - You are strong - You are loved.
Holding all of you in the Light!