Just wanted to let everyone know that Zoe is home now. We were discharged on Friday with NG feeding tube and PICC line. Zoe was drinking well enough to trial taking out the NG on Sunday and has been doing ok since then feeding wise. So hopefully we won't have to put that back in. As for the PICC line, as her pediatrician said today at our appointment "No doctor who knows Zoe is going to want to be the one who signs the order to take that line out." So for now, until she is fully recovered, we will keep the central line for emergencies.
Zoe is still running fevers and not feeling great but we see improvement every day.
For now we are all feeling very physically and emotionally exhausted from all of this. Zoe tells me she is scared and sad and it just breaks my heart.
But we are all strong and we will get through this. Gavin and I will feel better once Zoe has recovered and hope that she is never this sick again.
For now I feel like I am holding my breath...
I'm so glad you guys are home. I know Zoe will be able to recover better in her own home. We'll be thinking of you all from afar. Please give that little lady a hug from us.
Thanks Nate and everyone else for all of their comments and keeping us in their thoughts. Zoe had a good day today and even went to preschool for a part day. It is kind of weird to just get back to life as normal after such a scary illness but that is our life. We hope Zoe will do a full day at school tomorrow and we will get back to our normal day.
I am so sorry for the hard times you guys are going through! I hope she gets better, and fast. You guys are in our prayers. We don't know you personally, but we sure feel for ya.
I am glad Zoe is steadily recovering. We will keep her in our prayers.
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. Zoe is an amazing, courageous, strong and determined fighter. She is a brave warrior, smilen champ, and an inspirational hero. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and i love it when people sign my guestbook. www.miraclechamp.webs.com
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