Zoe's new Flip2sit playchair arrived this morning. We tried one out recently (see April 25) but now her very own is here. We are very excited- it is light, highly portable and relatively cheap (only $388, which we got funding for from the patient amenities fund at Sick Kids- Zoe's hospital). Here's a picture

When we put her at the tray table we have it makes her look like a little CEO at her oak desk, which is fair enough as she certainly is the boss of me. And pretty much everybody else she knows too. Check out her new big girl haircut too. We just cut it a day or two ago- it makes her look so grown up!
Hearing aids
Genevieve had mentioned how tiny Zoe's hearing aid are. Here's a picture to show you just how little they are. Check out the cool zebra stripes too!
An outdoor walkerWe inherited a Pacer walker from Shelby and Erin- thank you ladies and our love to Jaxson (Shelby's brother). We haven't got any good pictures of it yet but it is bright green and shiny! It is a lot larger the Zoe's pony and while not as good for indoor use (Zoe can't reach her toys very easily) it is has larger wheels that are able to move outdoors, something the Pony doesn't do so well. It also is much more adjustable- the seat and the chest harness can eventually be removed, just leaving the wheeled walking frame for the day when that will be all Zoe needs. So now Zoe has her indoor walker and her outdoor walker. Huge thanks again to Erin for passing this along to us- Zoe is only eligible for a walker every three years so we wouldn't have looked at getting this for a while yet.
Bath seatThe bath seat finally arrived and is getting frequent use. It saves our backs a bit- the next thing we have to do bath wise is some bathroom renovations to replace the current sink with a super big utility sink (almost the size of a small bath tub) to eliminate the need for us to bend over to bathe Zoe. I tell you, that girl loves her baths! We'll also need new tiling and an optional new floor (the current one is really ugly old laminate) that should take us the next little while. Step one- locate a local supplier for the sink.
That's it for news. So now Zoe has two walkers, one playchair, one special needs stroller with two bases (one stroller base and one "spider" base that goes up and down we use in the house for playing in), two regular strollers (one umbrella, one lay down type- she doesn't use either very much any more), her high chair for eating, and her bath chair. Plus her play mats in the living room and her ball pit in our spare room (see May 17, 2009). And her stander (one at home, one at school). And her two corner chairs and adapted easel at school. Plus glasses and now hearing aids. Anything I've forgotten? Now you see why I say she is the boss of us! Such a little girl; so much stuff!
Seriously though, the equipment is all great- it allows Zoe the freedom to both initiate activities and (as independently as possible) engage in them. Genevieve and I were talking last night about the huge difference her walker has made in her life and her development (physically, cognitively and socially). Her glasses made an enormous change to her world, as did her various chairs we have used to allow Zoe, a girl who cannot yet independently sit, the opportunity to play and engage with her toys and other people. We are extremely lucky to live in a society that allows us access to these items (thank you Ontario government and other organizations that support children with disabilities) as well as friends and supports like Zoe's daycare who all help provide the equipment Zoe needs to excel. We are very proud of our little bossy girl, and grateful for all the stuff she needs to help her be that way and develop to the utmost of her abilities. We love you Zoe- keep up the hard work.