Saturday, November 1, 2008

Zoe's Wish List

A few people have been asking for suggestions for Christmas gifts for Zoe. We thought it might be helpful to update people on where Zoe is at now developmentally so they know what type of toys she would be able to use and enjoy.
Zoe is doing really well and we are very proud of all of her milestones. She is now sitting for twenty seconds independently, rolling from her tummy to her back and her back to her sides, and able to stand with a lot of support. Zoe is now grasping toys and bringing them to her mouth to chew on. She enjoys wiggling around on the floor, rolling from side to side, and getting herself to her toys. Zoe's cognitive skills seem to be ahead of her motor skills as seen by her advance in communication skills such as the sign language and her understanding of cause and effect. It is a bit tricky to find toys that Zoe can physically play with that still keep her interested since she is now bored with baby toys that are easy to grasp. Here are a few ideas of some toys that would be easy for Zoe to manipulate but still keep her interest:
good old fashioned wood blocks- who doesn't love these?
Little Tikes tap-a-tune piano
Little Tikes Discover Sounds Tool Box
Tiny Love Activity Ball
Tiny Love Bead and Blossom
Signing Time Videos- we already have the Baby Signing time videos and Signing Time Vol one is a repeat, so any of the videos Volume two and past that would be great. Also, they have signing time board books
There is a fiber optics therapy toy that Zoe really loves. It is called StarLight and can be found at
Playskool Busy Basics Busy Poppin' Pals
Lamaze First Mirror
We read to Zoe every day- so books are always great. Specifically, "And Tango Makes Three" is a cute book we read recently
Clothes- any and all clothes are more than welcome since Zoe has outgrown most of her clothes recently. She is currently wearing size 18months (can you believe it!) so perhaps 24 months and up would be a good size. We do not look down on used clothes (or toys) so feel free to pass along your children's old cast offs or hit a thrift store.
We will be setting up a RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan) as soon as they are available for Zoe. We would love if anyone wants to help contribute to it (sorry contributions to Zoe's RDSP are not tax-deductible but the government does match some of the money you put in, so every dollar you put in is worth two or three dollars plus interest). Here is a link with more info:
Family gift idea- we really want to visit Edmonton next year but with Gavin stopping work in January, our funds are getting tighter. If anyone wants to donate towards airline tickets that would be wonderful.
All of the toys can be found at any toy store except the StarLight Therapy toy. Cheaper versions can sometimes be found elsewhere, but Zoe has torn out the fiber optic bands because they were not attached as firmly as the one from Flaghouse.
We hope that people find this list to be helpful. We are not, in any way, trying to tell you what to get Zoe (or saying that you need to get her a gift at all). We just recognize that buying a gift for Zoe is a little different than buying a gift for a typical almost 2 year old. All of the toys we put on this list have therapy goals in mind. With Zoe's visual impairment, it is important to use toys that are not overstimulating visually but are brightly colored and attract her attention. Just writing this list out was a little sad for me because I look at the toys I would get for a typical 2 year old and those are way beyond what Zoe can do right now. A close relative mentioned going into a toy store and seeing toys that Zoe would enjoy but noticing the age range on them and becoming sad and needing to leave the store. We know exactly how this feels.
But then we focus on the fact that this time last year Zoe was wearing 3 month size clothing and just starting to reach for toys. Now, she has such a good grip that we have to teach her to be gentle with our faces and hair. It is amazing how much she has grown in the last year.

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