Tuesday, November 15, 2011

An Awesome Day

Daddy's Surprise

Ailsa decided to get a surprise for daddy (yes, that's right she thought it up herself, it is amazing how savvy our girls are at using our credit cards...) She bought us all tickets to see old hockey players get inducted into the hockey hall of fame and then play a game. The show also included a live band performance and a light show. Both girls were mesmerized by watching the game. Ailsa especially loved the laser light show. Zoe loved the popcorn! We brought Zoe's highchair seat so she could sit on her own in the stands. Zoe is able to sit and enjoy looking at things for longer periods of time now. We all had a great time and it was so nice having a fun family outing.

It all ended on a hilarious note when Gavin went to change Zoe who had a huge blow out bowel movement all over herself. I stayed in the seats nursing Ailsa who had been too distracted to eat during the show. After about 15 minutes an usher asked me to leave. I pointed out that I had too much stuff to carry on my own and that I was nursing my baby while waiting for my husband and other daughter. He disappeared and 5 minutes later a woman with security showed up. She approached me slowly while saying, "Mam, you have to leave now, this area is closed." I pointed out to her that there was no way I could physically carry the highchair, infant car seat, three bags, and the baby by myself and that I was waiting for my husband to return. She immediately looked more relaxed and said, "Oh, that is why you aren't leaving. No problem, I can help you." Apparently they had stopped Gavin from coming back to get me and asked him, "Are you with the woman who is breastfeeding?" Perhaps they were afraid I was staging a sit in! Security was very nice once they realized we were just trying to meet both the children's needs while carrying a lot of stuff. They even walked us all the way to the exit doors, how nice of them :)

The Day Got Even Better

While I gave Ailsa a bath, Gavin popped Zoe up and down out of Ailsa's eyesight. Both girls thought this was a hilarious way to play peek-a-boo. After giving us kisses and singing the goodnight song, Zoe headed off to bed while I finished bathing Ailsa. Ailsa looked right at me, signed "milk" (which is how she says mom). I said, "Yes, Ailsa what do you want? Do you want milk?" To which Ailsa very deliberately signed, "Zoe" and smiled. I called Zoe to come back and when Ailsa saw her, she immediately started giggling and again signed, "Zoe." Zoe was giggling and signing, "Ailsa." This was the first time Ailsa signed Zoe and Zoe was quite excited to see her sign. Zoe thinks it is hilarious when Ailsa signs. So far, Ailsa consistently signs daddy, milk, and Zoe. She is a very smart little baby although we can't convince her that my name is not milk...


Giovanni's parents said...

I'm glad to hear about your family's awesome day.

I've appreciated reading about Zoe in a few visits I've made to your blog. My son, Giovanni, was diagnosed at 4 months with 1p36. He's now 7 months old, and though he's spent the past 45 days in the ICU of the hospital, we're hopeful that he'll finally come home next week.

My wife and I just recently decided to start our own blog for Giovanni, largely to be able to connect with the 1p36 community internationally: www.giovannihart.blogspot.com

Would it be OK if I include a link to Zoe's blog?

All the best,

Victor Hart

Jenny said...

How funny in the arena. I love to hear that your girls are signing to each other. That is so cool. Love the girl's costumes. So cute.

Nate said...

What amazing little girls! So glad you had some fun together. You guys are awesome!